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    LinkedIn Groups Created

    To facilitate collaborations between members of dew computing community, and to prepare for the coming DEWCOM 2018 workshop, two LinkedIn Groups were created. Among the few major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, we chose LinkedIn because (1) it is the one that is most relevant to science and technology; (2) it is the one that can reach most of the countries. Some other platforms are blocked by some countries.

    The first group is “Dew Computing” group, and its URL is We encourage all researchers, professionals, and students who are interested in dew computing to join this group. In this way, we can easily and quickly exchange ideas related to dew computing research, products, funding, and training opportunities.

    The second group is “DEWCOM2018”, and its URL is This is an ad-hoc group specifically created for DEWCOM 2018. Joining this group is equivalent to DEWCOM 2018 registration. This group will be used to communicate all the details related to this workshop. It will be used to reach each other on the conference site and on the way to/from the conference. It will also be used to distribute DEWCOM related documents and photos. When everything is finished, this group will be deleted. For long-term connection related to this area, people should join “Dew Computing” group.

    For those who are already in LinkedIn, you may easily find these groups through the above links or search group names. For those who are not already in LinkedIn yet, you may want to do a quick LinkedIn registration and then find the groups.


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