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    DewCom STC Members Spread Over 17 Countries

    The website of DewCom STC was launched on Jun.21, 2018. In two months, 33 researchers, professionals, and students joined DewCom STC.

    DewCom STC members are from 17 different countries: Canada, USA, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, China, India, Pakistan, Australia.

    Researchers, professionals, and students with interests in dew computing are welcomed to join DewCom STC as a member. The join link is here. The website of DewCom STC is: DewCom STC members may be members of the IEEE, the Computer Society, or nonmembers of either. Currently, DewCom STC’s membership is free.

    The logo of DewCom STC is shown below:


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