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    DewCom STC Members Spread Over 17 Countries

    The website of DewCom STC was launched on Jun.21, 2018. In two months, 33 researchers, professionals, and students joined DewCom STC.

    DewCom STC members are from 17 different countries: Canada, USA, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, China, India, Pakistan, Australia.

    Researchers, professionals, and students with […]

    LinkedIn Groups Created

    To facilitate collaborations between members of dew computing community, and to prepare for the coming DEWCOM 2018 workshop, two LinkedIn Groups were created. Among the few major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, we chose LinkedIn because (1) it is the one that is most relevant to science and technology; (2) it […]